#SoCS – Blue

On Thursday morning at 10am, Terence and I arrived home after a two week holiday in York and Scotland and then, exactly a week later, a 5 day work trip to Budapest in Hungary.

I was happy to see blue skies as rain seemed to have followed us from York to Scotland, back home and then to Budapest.

It has been a whirlwind month with all the travelling and a fair bit of work in between. Wednesday, particularly, was awkward as I was in the middle of a document that needed to be finalised. I had to put it on hold from 3pm on Wednesday until 10am on Thursday morning while we were in transit. When I arrived home on Thursday, our Wifi was not working so I struggled to connect to the office and all my social media sites. That made me feel blue. I hate being out of touch and not being able to work effectively.

Our Wifi cable has a break in it so the company can only come on Monday to repair it. We only discovered this late yesterday afternoon when the service provider came to see what was wrong. They couldn’t fit it as a different technician is required. We have purchased a temporary service for the weekend so life goes on.


The Danube under a cloudy sky


Shoes on the Danube in the rain


The Danube and Pest from the Buda side of the river


A beautiful statue in the rain in Budapest

You can join in the SoCS prompt here: https://lindaghill.com/2019/09/13/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-sept-14-19/




60 thoughts on “#SoCS – Blue

  1. I hate when the wifi goes out. That has happened to us. Glad you got a hotspot to tide you over. It’s too bad you have had so much rain – that makes travel (especially work travel!) the opposite of fun. Looks like you’ve made the best of the situation though, Robbie. Life goes on, as you say!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I am glad to be home and want to get back into my routines. I am a creature of habit. I don’t mind the rain when I travel, I expect and prepare for it in Europe. We were fortunate that it didn’t rain the day we did the outdoors sites and only rained on the day we were doing famous buildings. There is always a silver lining in life.

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  2. You’ve proven that rainy days and rain can be beautiful. Working in and around travel is difficult. I did that for years, and it’s hard even when the travel for business. I hope you get your internet sorted out.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hey, I thought you said the blue skies followed you to Budapest… Oh well, it must not have last – into every life rain must fall. Thinking of that, I hope your “Internet skies” clear up soon. Always a pain when you can’t get online.

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  4. It was only when I visited Hungary in around 2008, that I learned that Budapest is split between Buda and Pest. We took a trip along the river so saw both sides of the city. Hope your WiFi is soon sorted out. Best wishes, Kevin

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My you have been busy Robbie. I love Budapest, I have been on a Danube River cruise. Those shoes are one of the saddest things I have ever see. Apparently the Nazis tied the Jewish prisoners shoe laces together and then pushed them onto the River.. they drowned . 💜💜

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Glad you are home safe and sound. That is a lot of travelling in a short time. Too bad about the internet, I hate when that happens. I actually had sunny days in Budapest, but it is a fascinating city and would have loved it even in the rain. Did you recognize things from Amanda on the Danube?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I thought about your book a lot while we were there. It is the only book I have read that features the Danube. We only had one really rainy day and one threatened rain day. The two sunny days I was working. I don’t mind rain, it is a lovely change from home which is very dry.

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  7. I live in a rainforest, Robbie, so the rain never makes me feel blue, but no connectivity when I need it? Or expect it to be working and planned on it? That can be aggravating. At least you know what the problem was and it’s on its way to be fixed. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is still not fixed though. I live in Africa, it could take weeks, hence the back up plan [smile]. I would love to live in a rainforest. It reminds me of the book, Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson about a girl who goes to live in a Amazon. What a fantastic story.

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  8. I think since becoming ‘connected’ to my net friends it has become very important for me to stay connected.
    And it is difficult to travel and have intermittent or slow wi-fi.

    There are days though that I think it would be nice to have a no net day.
    To pick a day when there isn’t a prompt I enjoy and just enjoy the quiet…

    Thanks for sharing your photos. I was just away for a short time and didn’t take too many photos. But it was my third time to this particular city (for my hubby’s work).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I also miss my blogging friends, Jules, because I have developed relationships with them. I also miss FB but I don’t miss Twitter or Pinterest because those social media are much less interactive. I am a bit addicted to taking photographs. My boys complain that I take far to many.

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