#SoCS – Check

Thank you, Linda Hill, for being so obliging as to give a topic like check. Now I can do my music post and say “Check out my music thoughts for this week.”

Check out is an Americanism so if you see my Mama, don’t tell her I used it. Does that give you a hint about what is coming?

Don’t tell Mama is my favourite song from Cabaret. My sister and I thought it was absolutely hilarious when we were girls and I still love it. These are my favourite lyrics:

Doesn’t even have an inkling
That I’m working in a nightclub
In a pair of lacy pants
So please sir
If you run into my mama
Don’t reveal my indiscretion
Give a working girl
A chance

My next choice for the week is the song I have told my sons I want played at my funeral. I was rather hoping Gregory would play it on the piano at said funeral, but it has turned out that he wants to be a computer programmer and not a concert piano so that was the end of that and I’ll have to settle for this original:

My favourite lyrics:

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver-white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

And now … drum roll … Terence’s pick of the week, a pop up rendition of Fur Elise in the airport.

If you would like to join in Linda’s Steam of Consciousness Saturday and read what other people have done with this prompt, you can join in here: https://lindaghill.com/2020/07/24/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-july-25-2020/

39 thoughts on “#SoCS – Check

  1. Good collection of songs…my wife and I attended the “Sing-a-long Sound Of Music” event last year at the iconic Hollywood Bowl…lots of lederhosen on display that night, but it was a blast…they show the movie on a giant screen and have all the song lyrics underneath – plus the live Hollywood Bowl Orchestra! A bit less singing once the Nazis show up, unfortunately….

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      1. It’s not really funny, but my mother didn’t want a specific hymn, but she absolutely did NOT want one hymn to be played. We passed that information along, but when we got to the funeral home, that hymn was playing in the background.


  2. Thanks again for the great selection of music. Julie Andrews is a treasure.
    Also my father played that song on the piano all the time, so I definitely smiling. First version only though. (K)

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  3. I memorized many of the songs in The Sound of Music, Robbie. I also have the complete music scores for piano. When I go to Portland to see my daughter, on my return, I arrive at the airport early to listen to the musicians playing their music. I liked Für Elise’s interpretation of the music. Good choice from Terence.

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  4. I remember watching The Sound of Music as perhaps an annual TV programming… Like the Wizard of OZ… but nothing is really annual anymore. We changed out Viewing stations and even with the new choices there isn’t a whole lot we choose to watch. We have been watching a You-Tube gent Called Michael Stevens who does a few different programs; one being VSauce and another Mind Field (or Mind Fields).

    One year I had a relative dress up as Judy Garland from Cabaret for Halloween.

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